Has Bobbi Kris Already Changed Her Name And Why Is She Boycotting Her Father’s Wedding


According to reports Bobbi Kristina can’t stand Bobby Brown’s fiance Alicia Etheridge and flat out refuses to attend her father’s wedding in Hawaii next month.

Insiders say that Bobbi Kris is really mad about the way Bobby Brown acted at Whitney Houston‘s funeral.

She also said that she will NEVER forgive her father and does not care if she ever see’s him or his other children again!

In case you forgot Bobby Brown got upset and left Whitney’s funeral when he and his children were repeatedly asked to move.
As far as the name change goes…

Just recently at the Billboard Music Awards, Bobbi Kristina was introduced without her last name ‘Brown’ which added fuel to the name change rumors that already existed. But Bobby Brown says that her name change won’t change a THING! Here’s what he told MTV about Bobbi Kris changing her name…